Data: 2003, May * Installed : 2003, 10 July en français

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  1. The INTRANET door of the OPAC 35'Geomarketing Portal
  2. One example : "Financial ressources of families in 2000"
  3. One other example : "Industial risks - SEVESO sites in 2002"
  4. One example : An Housing Atlas
  5. One example : To search ...
  6. SYNOPSIS Protoptypes :
    1st Schematic view of buildings - Example 1
    (social features of populations) - fictitious cases
    2nd Schematic view of buildings - Example 2 (social features of populations) - fictitious cases
  7. HOUSING MARKETING Protoptypes :
    one view

    one other view - fictitious cases
Into some maps and windows, sometimes links are broken because robots are not used for these examples.

To establish a link to this site, please copy the next line in the source code HTML of your page :

with Dynamic Map®,

Innovating tool (for Housing Marketing and many others businesses) created to make easy publication of cartographics and mapping works on the WEB. :

- no technic requirements (simple HTML pages server),
- no G.I.S. needed...

Dynamic Map® allows webmasters to created and to publish vectorial maps plotted and resized dynamically according to all data (Excel, Acces, dBase...).
With Dynamic Map®, you can import all the (geo)graphic file formats : majors (ArcInfo, ArcView, Mapinfo, GeoConcept, AutoCAD) and others (Atlas BNA, SVG...).
With Dynamic Map®, you click the contextual menu to show or hide each layer or to view others analysis and themes.
With Dynamic Map®, you can search or zoom... After seeing pop-up, point your mouse at a city or a country to find out more about it.
With Dynamic Map®, you can see interactive and dynamic maps (with colored areas and proportionnal symbols) like none you have ever seen before.

A GIFT of the Dynamic Map® author, a batch printing macro for Excel : BATPRINT


This software was carried out by a student engineer of the "Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines" of PARIS

Number of different computers wich had been connected to this site once at least :
PRNDIFF, outil d'impression différée et en lot pour Excel (feuille de calcul, classeurs, fichiers XLS). GRATUIT. BATPRINT,a batch printing tool for Excel (for opened sheets and workbooks and XLS files). It's FREE (no charge). PolyGlot est une grosse macro-application pour Microsoft EXCEL (v. 5, 7, 97 et suivantes) avec une interface Français/Anglais (quel anglais!). Le guide des utilisateurs de ce logiciel est également disponible en anglais et en français. Ce shareware permet d'apprendre ou d'enseigner diverses connaissances, notamment linguistiques pour de multiples langues étrangères écrites avec l'alphabet latin (langues vernaculaires... langues étrangères) et permet des liens multiples entre les dictionnaires. Il est employé par des familles et des professeurs pour des enfants et des étudiants. Les utilisateurs, en fonction de paramètres personnels, travaillent avec des jeux (automate pour "QCM": questionnaire à choix multiples...) et leur motivation est toujours maintenue à un niveau élevé. Ils peuvent créer leurs propres dictionnaires. La version PRO est utilisable en RÉSEAU ! PolyGlot is a large macro-application for Microsoft EXCEL (v. 5, 7, 97 and following) with an English/French interface. The users'guide of this software is also available in English and French. This shareware allows to learn or to teach knowledges, especially linguistic ones (multiple foreign languages written with the Latin alphabet). It's used by families and professors for children and students. Users work with games ("MCQ": multiple choice questionary...) and their motivation is always maintained at a high level. They have personal parameters and they can create their own dictionaries. The Poly Glot PRO version is usable with a network. Le Tangram est un jeu traditionnel chinois, introduit en Occident au XIXème siècle. Il permet de reconstruire des milliers de formes et de silhouettes différentes (plus de 1500 seraient répertoriées) à partir d'un ensemble de 7 pièces (découpées dans un carré) : 2 petits triangles, 1 triangle intermédiaire, 2 grands triangles, 1 parallélogramme et 1 carré. Les 7 pièces doivent être toutes utilisées pour former une silhouette. Les pièces ne peuvent être superposées. Le modèle choisi doit être reproduit exactement pour que le problème soit réussi, auquel cas apparaîtra un message de félicitations. Le principe peut paraître simple... et il l'est. Cependant, dans les faits, la réalisation du modèle peut vous donner plus de difficultés que vous ne l'auriez imaginé. Essayez le niveau "Très difficile" et vous constaterez rapidement que 7 pièces peuvent suffire à faire un beau casse-tête... chinois. Tangram is a Chinese traditional game, introduced in Occident at the XIXth century. It makes it possible to rebuild thousands of forms and silhouettes different (more than 1500 would be indexed) starting from a unit from 7 parts (cut out in a square): 2 small triangles, 1 intermediate triangle, 2 large triangles, 1 parallelogram and 1 square. The 7 parts must all be used to form a silhouette. The parts cannot be superimposed. The selected model must be reproduced exactly so that the problem is successful, in which case will appear a message of congratulations. The principle can appear simple... and it is it. However, in the facts, the realization of the model can give you more difficulties than you would have imagined it. Test the "Very difficult" level and you will note quickly that 7 parts can be enough to make a beautiful Chinese headache....